Creswick Road silos
These are the silos on Creswick Road in Ballarat, which I photographed from the railway line.
This chimney is outside the Brewery Building at
University of Ballarat's
SMB campus. In the first photo, you can also see the gate to the old gaol in the background. In the last photo, you can see the silhouette of the Brewery Building.
Melbourne CBD
Took this photo about two weeks ago, from the top floor of DeeDee's building.
And I know now why my late-at-night city photos have been coming out weird, like this ^ one.
Watch more TV
In the areas where my parents live, they're currently having a hard rubbish collection at the moment, so I've managed to pick up some old TV sets, which I'm going to be using for my 21-years-and-17-days-old party tonight.
St John's
These photos are of the building where St John's Presbyterian Church, in
Warrnambool, meet. I also posted them in
a longer post at
Emergent Layer, which is a new blog about spirituality and culture.
Lydiard Street, Ballarat
More shoes
Late last year, after the original
Gillies Street shoes had been removed, I discovered that other people had been throwing shoes up onto the powerlines in Ballarat.
This pair was in Pleasant Street, Redan:
And this pair was opposite the
Big W carpark, in town:
Spencer Street Station
Knox City carpark
This is some sort of bus shelter at
Knox City carpark. For some reason it's always upside-down. (As far as I know Adam didn't push it over.) And I don't know what a bus stop thing is doing in a shopping centre carpark.
This carpark is really demented, because everyone has to go in and out through the same gate whether they're walking or driving.
Warrnambool happy snaps
These were taken (by Bevan, I think) just before we all drove back to our respective cities.
The Ignite team
The extended Brooks family (minus Frenchy and DeeDee)
In the background of the second photo, you can see that Max has snuck into the photo, as though he is trying to sneak into the family. Or perhaps he is a long-lost member of the Brooks family, and is trying to let the rest of us know?
This is an assortment of leaders from the Ignite team and the kids program team. The photo was taken from a roof.
And this is Crazy Dave, Glenn and me wearing out 'Have you hugged my t-shirt today?' t-shirts.
I think Glenn got his from a market or something.
Tab made Dave's and mine, and was working on one for Jane and one for her as well.
Lastly, this is Croto, showing us how a real man poses:
Ignite Warrnambool
As I mentioned on the 5th, I've been in
Warrnambool. The last three summers I've been down there with other Christians, helping run a kids holiday program called
Scripture Union Family Mission, or SUFM. (Don't worry, the name is changing as of next summer.)
Well, this summer we decided to branch out and start a new project, a café called Ignite. Our reasoning is that most people in Warrnambool aren't likely to ever go to a church building , which cuts down the likelihood of them ever experiencing Christian community. However, some of these people would be quite comfortable in a café/lounge kind of setting. So what we tried to do was create a café where people who aren't Christians can observe and experience Christian community.
Here are some photos relating to Ignite and Warrnambool (along with explanations):
We covered the walls of the rooms we were using for the café in spray-painted hessian, to make them bit more interesting. In the process of painting, I managed to get a huge splash of blue spray paint (it had built up on a stencil I'd been using) across my face. I got
Yedsa to take this ^ photo when I'd half scrubbed it off.
Here's a tour of the café, starting at the rear entrance, and ending in the kitchen:
The two offices we were using are normally a council-run youth centre called
Mercury 86, in the
Warrnambool Business Centre. (The
watertower I took photos of last year is on the same block.)
This is the Mercury 86 fridge:
Most nights we had a band playing (
Rhinosaur, Not Ashamed and Rufus played on different nights) and each night we had pool, table tennis and
foosball tables set up.
On January 6th we also held the first Ignite Allnite.We set up floodlights at the skatepark so that people could ride their skateboards and bikes until midnight and held a competition, sponsored by local skate, bike and music stores. Over 200 participants and spectators turned up.
The team who run the kids holiday program have siesta every afternoon. During siesta, everyone has to have their head on their pillow and be quiet.
Just got this:
alright mate
after hours of searching i found your site in my pursuit of a GOOGLEWHACK. you must be proud, don't know if you new you were one or not? , but just thought i'ld tell you, because there arn't that many.
Sorry I haven't posted in ages; I've been in Warrnambool since Monday last week. I'm currently on McInternet, which is actually working today. Today I am 21 years old. More about what I'm doing in Warrnambool when I get back to either Melbourne or Ballarat.